Monday, October 19, 2015

Expansion of BTS/ALP!

There has been a lot of excitement in our district this year as the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts learning program was expanded to every school in our small rural county.  I have had the opportunity to coordinate this program and provide support to the new teachers.  We offer a lot of thanks to the Utah State Legislature for funding this program to benefit the children in Utah.  As I visit with the teachers I will try to share more lesson ideas for elementary as well as high school classes!

We welcome our Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program Teachers:

Tyler Spunaugle - Altamont Elementary and Tabiona School
Ginger Chamberlain - Centennial and East Elementary
Carla McGee - Neola Elementary
Sandy Wilde - Duchesne Elementary and Tabiona School
Sophia Su - Conamore School, Kings Peak and Myton Elementary.
Elizabeth Sampson -  BYU Professional Development Partner for BTS/ALP.

Thank you for your support!  Photos will follow shortly.


  1. Dear Elizabeth,
    I just went down memory lane as I looked through the wonderful creative years we had at East Elementary. You pulled talent out of those young students that I thought would never happen. I miss the collaboration that we enjoyed as teachers learning the techniques before coming down with our class. I did things I never thought I could do and it was so relaxing. Thank you, again.
    Anita Marx

  2. Thanks Anita! We were given a very unique opportunity and were so lucky to have this program. That was a wonderful few years. I miss you!
