Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Arts Express Conference

Four teachers from East Elementary went to the ART EXPRESS conference sponsored by BYU and Beverley Taylor Sorenson. This was a great workshop and focused on helping teachers learn how to better integrate the arts into the core curriculum. Mrs. Embleton, Mrs. Purdy, Mrs. Gale and Mrs. Sampson had a great time! Each teacher went to different classes and they learned lot of great things to help them do a better job teaching next year!
Mrs. Embleton and Mrs. Purdy studied how to teach recycling and nature by using all four art forms. They created visual art and learned to use dance, drama and music to create a powerful "informance" at the closing ceremony. The above two photos show each teacher with their back to nature self-portraits.
This is Mrs. Sampson's tear art landscape project!

Parents are invited to come to this workshop and we hope a few of you will join us next year. It will be June 11-12, 2012!


  1. It was so good to see you there! I am glad that you posted these pictures, your landscape is awesome.

    I hope you have a great summer vacation!

  2. I will miss you next year. Thank you Bridget for keeping in touch and for sharing all your great ideas. Have fun with that baby!
