Thursday, February 17, 2011

1st Grade Extension: Little Clay Penguins

Ok... this has been one of my favorite projects of all time. Sometimes it seems like all the projects are my favorite, but there is something about 1st graders and little cute animals that just warms your heart. Miss Eberhard's class had been studying penguins the entire month of January and so I asked her if I could test this project with her class. We took the last 1o minutes of their regular art time and I showed them the pictures of little penguins doing fun things in the book "Penguin Pete". I gave each child a little ball of Crayola "Model Magic" clay. We learned how to make penguins with basic forms. First we made a little egg shape, then we added little wings, feet, and a nose. If the children had extra clay, they made little baby penguins. After allowing the penguins to dry for a week, the children came back, painted their penguins and then we added little google eyes. Later, we added a coat of sealer to give them a nice shine.

After trying ii out with Miss Eberhard's class, we also made little penguins in Mrs. Rutledge's, Mrs. Evans' and Mrs. Peterson's classes.

Model Magic is fun to work with. If a child breaks off a nose or a wing, it is easy to fix just by gluing it back on with any white glue. This is a great little project that is fun for almost any age group.

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