I am an art teacher in a rural school district and I am passionate about making a difference in the lives of the students I teach. When I first started this blog many years ago I had more time to write and over the last few years I haven't posted as much. Public education has been changing and I hope to offer some encouragement and support to others during the coming months. Thanks for checking in.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
2nd Grade: I love Rocks
Thursday, February 17, 2011
2nd Grade: Keith Haring Art
1st Grade Extension: Geometric Snowflakes
1st Grade Extension: Snowflakes
1st Grade Extension: Snowmen
1st Grade Extension: Winter Writing
1st Grade Extension: Little Clay Penguins
Kindergarten: The wind is cool. The sun is warm.
If you have walked down the hall by the art room lately, you will have noticed these captivating art prints created by the Kindergarten children at East Elementary. We learned about the wind and the sun as we read the book "Dona Flor" by Pat Mora. We finger-painted spirals and curvy lines on white boards using either warm or cool colors and then we made “prints” of our spirals by putting paper on top of our paint. The children were amazing as they learned this very early form of printing. When we left class we "became the wind" as we floated quietly down the hall. The children loved this activity and the resulting artwork is just beautiful.
Core Tie-in: Literacy
Art Concepts: Cool Colors and Warm Colors
Vocabulary: Cool, Warm, Texture
Kindergarten Drawing Birds with Mona Brooks
We had fun combining shapes and simple lines to create these beautiful pencil drawings of birds perched in a tree complete with leaves and berries. This drawing lesson come from the book "Teaching Children to Draw" by Mona Brooks. This is a great resource for parents and for teachers. The children are so excited when they finish their picture and see what they have drawn. This is a favorite lesson for both teachers and students.
Core Tie-in: Literacy, Science, Nature
Art Concepts: Line, Shape, Organic
Vocabulary Words: Line, Shape, Wing, Beak, Berries, Feathers
Friday, February 4, 2011
1st Grade Winter Art
Thursday, February 3, 2011
1st Grade Snowflakes with Cool Colors
The first grade had a wonderful time mixing and blending cool icy colors as they created this beautiful watercolor painting of a snowflake dancing in a river of blue. We had a wonderful time looking at actual photographs of snowflakes, reading stories about snow and talking about how a snowflake is formed. The theme for the first grade program was "WINTER" and every 1st grader created a snowflake picture to help set the mood for a frigid January in the Uintah Basin.